Blaq Pulse X Chamavillian - Senzentoni
This is a song written and composed by Blaq Pulse and ChamaVillian. The formation of this song took Place at Ackerville in Mpumalanga, South Africa. It is categorized under the genre of 'Afro-House'. The essence of this song is deeply found in the message communicated within and underneath those grooves, beats and soulful arrangements.
Senzentoni (What Did We Do) came about in the year 2020 which was the most tragic event in the history of our generation. People lost their jobs and lives due to the Covid Pandemic. After realizing the challenges we are facing as young people as musicians in the arts we thought a song would do thus this was the results. It's a song which speaks to one who's struggling to get through this very traumatic time and with all the life challenges.
Carry your faith, In the end you'll succeed, no matter who says what Usomandla ukhona! You might not have a job today making hard to provide for your love ones, or even saw your business close down as a result of this trying time yet you shall overcome. God will hear your prayers and answer them.